Member Care Team
Calvary is blessed with a very caring, friendly congregation. Concern for one another is expressed in a variety of informal ways. In addition, the Member Care Team coordinates more formalized activities.
Some elderly members of our church are no longer able to attend worship services; some can only attend once in awhile. Our outreach to these members includes telephone calls and sending cards and notes. The Pastor, assisted by an elder who is on the Member Care Team, serves home Communion whenever possible.
The Lunch Bunch, coordinated by Doris Portley and Margie Rowe, is a group that gets together for lunch and fellowship once a month, except during July and August. The Men’s Breakfast group, coordinated by Ken Benner, also meets monthly.
One of our projects involves partnering with the Christian Education team to present some programs on health topics. We care about the health of Calvary’s congregation, and believe the church is a great environment in which to discuss health issues.
If you are aware of someone in our Calvary family who has special needs, be sure to contact the Member Care Team. In addition, if you are available to help some members of our congregation with transportation to and from church, please let us know.
If you would like to join our committee, we would really appreciate your help. Thanks very much.
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Some elderly members of our church are no longer able to attend worship services; some can only attend once in awhile. Our outreach to these members includes telephone calls and sending cards and notes. The Pastor, assisted by an elder who is on the Member Care Team, serves home Communion whenever possible.
The Lunch Bunch, coordinated by Doris Portley and Margie Rowe, is a group that gets together for lunch and fellowship once a month, except during July and August. The Men’s Breakfast group, coordinated by Ken Benner, also meets monthly.
One of our projects involves partnering with the Christian Education team to present some programs on health topics. We care about the health of Calvary’s congregation, and believe the church is a great environment in which to discuss health issues.
If you are aware of someone in our Calvary family who has special needs, be sure to contact the Member Care Team. In addition, if you are available to help some members of our congregation with transportation to and from church, please let us know.
If you would like to join our committee, we would really appreciate your help. Thanks very much.
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